16 de December, 2019

Who we are

REiNOVA_SI ( Re-industrialização do setor agroalimentar – Sustentabilidade e Inovação ) is a transnational cooperation project between Portugal and Spain which aims to promote the use of circular economy practices in agri-food micro-enterprises and SMEs.

The REiNOVA_SI project is co-financed in the amount of € 1,082,847.66 by the European Fund of Regional Development under the Program INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020. This project follows on from the project REiNOVA.


REiNOVA_SI partners are composed by portuguese and spanish entities specialized in supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in the agri-food sector.

Location and contacts of REINOVA_SI partners